When you care about recycling in Carrington, you want to be sure that your efforts are making a difference. You care about the size of your carbon footprint. You also want to leave a healthy environment for future generations. It is important that the cardboard, paper and plastic that you recycle is used to make new products. You can be a responsible environmentalist and still appreciate the number of jobs created by the recycling industry. Elsa Recycling shares your vision. They are not new to recycling. Elsa Recycling has been in the business for over 50 years. They serve the domestic market with regularly scheduled curbside collection of mixed recyclables. Currently, the UK produces 3 million tonnes of plastic waste each year. Elsa recycles over 700 tonnes of paper each week. The need to recycle is clear.
In Carrington, recycling services by Elsa Recycling caters to businesses small and large. Plastics and cardboard collection receptacles are placed on site for Industrial clients. Elsa Recycling has a secure recycling and sorting centre. All recycled materials pass through this facility. Paper documents are securely shredded. Cardboard is broken down. Plastics are sorted by grade. The next stop for the materials is Elsa’s contacts around the world. From there, factories manufacture new products. An additional benefit of manufacturing products from recycled materials is the energy savings. Manufacturing new paper products from recycled paper uses less energy than starting from scratch.
Recycling in Carrington affects everyone for good. Elsa Recycling makes it easy for everyone to participate in this global effort on a local level. They are compliant with all government regulations. They meet standards set by trade associations including Road Haulage, British Security Industry and the Independent Waste Paper Processors. Some businesses, in order to protect their brand or highly confidential documents, prefer to deliver to Elsa’s recycling centre personally. In this way, they can witness and document the destruction themselves. Either way, Elsa Recycling issues a Certificate of Destruction to each business client. They meet special circumstances and requests from business clients with customised solutions to fit their needs. For effective recycling services, contact Elsa Recycling.