Cardboard Waste Collection in Wigan

Cardboard Waste Collection in Wigan Do you need to find a company for cardboard waste collection in WiganRecycling cardboard should be easy, but what if you collect vast quantities of cardboard waste and you need to get rid of it.  There are only so many arts and craft projects you can do at home or give cardboard waste to nursery schools for their classes.  Recycling cardboard is a good idea, so make use of a cardboard waste collection service to help get rid of the extra cardboard lying around.

In Wigan, a cardboard waste collection service can be started with Elsa Recycling Group Ltd.  They are experts in the field of recycling – helping others to do their bit for a greener world.  If you have a large amount of cardboard waste contact Elsa Recycling Group  – they will make arrangements to collect the cardboard waste from your address as often as you require.  They are not perturbed by the size of the load either, as every bit going to recycling helps.  They have the vehicles to transport any load right to their recycling center.  Have you ever wondered what happens during the recycling process, once the cardboard waste has left your premises?  Elsa Recycling Group are happy for you to pay a site visit so you can better understand the process.  The cardboard waste is first sorted and graded, after which it is pulped and rinsed with a peroxide solution in order to remove any dirt or ink in the pulp.  The resulting fibers are pressed into sheets which are then cut into different sizes, ready to be used.  Other recycled paper products are also created.

When you need a cardboard waste collection service in Wigan, do contact Elsa Recycling.  They have the expertise to deal with all cardboard waste, removing it from your hands and giving you peace of mind in knowing that it isn’t going to be thrown away, further adding to the pollution of the garbage sites.  It is evident they have strong environment ethics and are doing their part in helping others do theirs as well.  As they say, they aim to provide a hassle free recycling service to their customers.  If you need a cardboard waste collection service, contact Elsa Recycling Group Ltd today.